It is a commonly held belief that organic food costs a lot and has no real advantage over farm-fresh produce and meat at the supermarket. So what is the big deal? Why is there such a big push to buy organic everything, when at first glance, it all seems to look the same? It is all about the nutrient value of what we are eating and how that affects our body’s health. In the twentieth century, farming went from all organic, where farmers rotated crops and used natural elements like horse manure, ash, and ground bones to fortify their soil and repel pests to using strong poisonous pesticides and herbicides to repel weeds and bugs, genetically modified seed which is capable of growing after the application of literally tons of pesticide/herbicide sprays and can even, in some cases, produce its own pesticide/herbicide. Farmers no longer rotate those crops and, since the seeds are patented farmers are not allowed to collect seed to plant the following year. Instead, they must pay again ...