What is Blastocystis?
What is Blastocystis? Blastocystis is one of many microscopic parasites that can live in your digestive tract. Some people experiencing diarrhea, abdominal pain or other gastrointestinal problems have blastocystis organisms in their stool. Researchers don't fully understand the role blastocystis plays, if any, in causing disease. Most commonly, blastocystis organisms simply live in a person's digestive tract without causing harm. Blastocystis may be transmitted through food or water or by contact with human or animal feces. Generally speaking, Blastocystis infection is more common among people who live in or travel to developing countries and among people who work with animals and clean up after animals. Blastocystis in humans was once identified as a single species called Blastocystis hominis, but to date, 17 subtypes have been found. The scientific name used now is Blastocystis spp, an abbreviation that means "multiple species." A blastocystis infection is cal...