Diabetic Neuropathy
First of all, what is diabetes? The name Diabetes Mellitus comes from the Greek word “diabetes” meaning to siphon or pass through and the latin word “mellitus” for honey or sweet. Diabetes was once known as glycosuria , meaning , 'sugar run-out '. Over 3,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians spoke about a condition that appears to have been type 1 diabetes. It featured excessive urination, thirst, and weight loss. They recommended following a diet of whole grains to reduce the symptoms. In ancient India, people discovered that they could use ants to test for diabetes by presenting urine to them. If the ants came to the urine, this was a sign that it contained high sugar levels. They called the condition madhumeha, meaning honey urine. During the third century B.C.E., Apollonius of Memphis mentioned the term “diabetes,” which may have been its earliest reference. In the Middle Ages, people believed that diabetes was a disease of the kidneys, but an English doctor in the late 18t...