Is Red Light Therapy for you?

Beauty without pain? It is said that beauty is only skin deep. Obviously, they are talking about outward beauty and we are all interested in making the best of what we have and even improving upon it whenever possible, n’est-ce pas? Our biggest organ, the skin, can definitely be enhanced. There are so many ways, now, to make ourselves look better, from inexpensive to exorbitant, from effective to ineffective, from no down-time to weeks or months of down time, from painless to painful, from non-invasive to extremely invasive. Many come with warnings and even undesirable side effects. Could there be another way? A way that is non-invasive, healthy, effective, painless and with no down time? That sounds too good to be true! There is continual research about both health and beauty. What if those two came together in one therapy that you could do? Welcome to LED red light therapy, the amazingly spectacular alternative to laser. So what is it and how do you get it? What is Light Therapy? In ...