What does “Spring Fever” even mean?

Historically, poets and whole cultures often referred to a Spring “sickness” or “fever” which usually presented itself during April and May was characterized by unpredictable mood swings, increased heart rate, restlessness, flushed face, raised energy levels and a tendency to daydream or romanticize ideas and plans. Is there an actual basis for this supposed “feverish” phenomenon? Anthropologists have suggested that spring fever may have developed over the course of human evolution. They point out that early humans often spent winter in a state of near-hibernation. Then, when spring arrived, they would enter an active period of intense hunting, gathering and procreating. A few hundred years ago, when the term “Spring sickness” or Spring Fever” was created, it was likely referring to a disease called scurvy which was caused by the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables available to eat over the winter months. Some believe that the term spring fever refers to the weakness, fati...