
Showing posts from August, 2018

Bio-Electric Lymph Drainage

Our bodies are amazing! They take in food, extract nutrients, feed all systems, collect the waste and then put out the garbage. The circulatory system runs throughout the body to deliver nutrients and oxygen-rich blood and take oxygen-reduced blood back to the heart for re-oxygenation.    Similar to the circulatory system, the lymphatic system covers the entire body and can greatly affect many of the body’s essential functions , including our immune system . It is vital to keep the fluids of both systems moving properly to ensure that oxygen and other nutrients reach the tissues through the circulatory system, and  that  cellular debris from the tissues  is taken away  via the lymphatic system. Movement of body fluids is essential for health at a cellular level. Fortunately, the circulatory system has a pumping heart which keeps the blood moving.  The lymphatic system has no pump to carry  toxins, poisons, trapped proteins and other unw...

Your Summer Tan and Sunburn - Homeopathic Toolkit

Homeopathy can help you manage your skin and tan through                                                                                                    the summer sun and heat! What is a sunburn? It is an actual burn to the outer layers of the skin as a result of too much exposure to the sun or a tanning bed or sun lamp and is most common during the late spring and summer when the sun’s rays are at their strongest.           Sunburn Symptoms Mild sunburn may include redness of skin, pain, skin peeling and itchiness or rash  Severe sunburn or sun poisoning may include burni...