Your Summer Tan and Sunburn - Homeopathic Toolkit
the summer sun and heat!
What is a sunburn?
It is an actual burn to the outer layers of the skin as a result of too much exposure to the sun or a tanning bed or sun lamp and is most common during the late spring and summer when the sun’s rays are at their strongest.
Sunburn Symptoms
Mildsunburn may include redness of skin, pain, skin peeling and itchiness or rash
Severesunburn or sun poisoning may include burning hot skin and blistering, loss of fluid (dehydration), swelling, electrolyte imbalance, infection, general fatigue and mild dizziness. Extreme sunburns and cases of sun poisoning can require hospitalization. If your skin is peeling following a bad sunburn, avoid picking at it or peeling it further. If you have blisters, this is a sign of a severe sunburn. It is best to cover them to prevent tearing and leave them alone until they heal.
Most sunburns are considered mild injuries and are appropriate for home care.
Homeopathy Can Remediate Sunburn
Homeopathic medicines can have benefits both externally and internally. The main EXTERNAL(topical) remedies are Calendula, Hypericum and Urtica Urens. Apply the remedy as soon as possible after the burn occurs, and reapply as needed over the next few days. For many burns appropriate for home care, this may be all the treatment that is needed.As long as the burn continues to heal, the external remedies can be used for pain relief, to speed healing of the tissues, and to prevent or minimize scarring.
The main INTERNALremedies for burns are: Urtica Urens 30C (first degree burns)
Cantharis 30C (second degree burns)
Causticum30C(third degree burns)
Beginning as soon as possible after the injury, give one dose every 15 minutes until the pain subsides or for three to six doses. After the initial round, the remedy may be given for continued pain relief and healing – three to four times per day for a few days. As always, stop giving the remedy when symptoms have improved.
For sun allergies, hives or other variations of reactions to the sun, see your homeopath for a remedy which more exactly suits your specific situation.
What else can you do if you get a sunburn?
1. Stay out of the sun until the burn fades.
2. Drink lots of water, coconut water or fresh juices to stay hydrated
3. Keep your house cool using fans or air conditioning.
4. Use cold compresses (using cool water or also a couple of drops of lavender essential oil) to soothe the hot skin.
5. Take a cool shower or bath to cool the sunburned skin.
6. Bath water soothing options include:
-adding 1 cup apple cider vinegar to help balance the burned skin’s pH level, promoting healing
-soaking in an oatmeal bath to relieve itchy sunburned skin
-adding a few drops of lavender, chamomile or helichrysum essential oil to relieve some of the stinging pain
-adding 2 cups baking soda to help ease irritation and redness from the sunburn
-avoiding soap and perfumes in bath water which can further fry your already dry, burned skin
7. Use aloe vera to soothe and moisturize the skin.
8. Apply teabags that have been soaked in cold water to sunburned eyelids to soothe the burn and reduce
9. Apply Witch Hazel to the sunburned area to help reduce inflammation.
10. Apply freshly brewed tea after it has cooled to sunburned skin using a clean cloth.
The tannic acid in black tea helps draw heat from sunburned skin, and aids in restoring the pH balance.
You can add mint to the tea for a more cooling effect.
Food and vitamin options to relieve sunburn
· Hydrate-drink a lot of water, juice or coconut water because your skin is dry and dehydrated. Replacing lost body fluids will help your skin heal from sunburn more quickly.
· Apply cool, not cold, milk or yogurtwith a clean cloth to your sunburned skin. The milk will create a protein film that helps ease sunburn discomfort.
· Use Vitamin E oil on the skin (even on peeling skin). It is an antioxidant, and can help decrease inflammation caused by sunburn.
· Cucumbers have natural antioxidant and analgesic (pain relieving) properties. Chill cucumbers, then mash in a blender to create a paste, and apply to affected sunburned areas including the face. Cucumber also can be soothing for peeling skin following a sunburn.
Preventing sunburn
You can wear protective clothing that has sunscreen built into the fabric, or cover yourself with white thin cotton or linen clothes, wear sunglasses, a sunhat and avoid direct sun exposure between 11 am and 4 pm for longer than 20 minutes at a time until you build up your layers of tanned skin.
Eating Vitamin D-rich foods or taking a vitamin D 3 supplement, increases your tolerance to sun exposure. Also, eating healthy fats and oils helps create more resilient skin. Correct deficiencies in certain minerals such as zinc and magnesium by eating bone broths and organ meats to diminish photosensitivity and sun rashes.
Rubbing cold-pressed coconut oil onto your skin will block 20% of the sun’s rays, and it will also release powerful antioxidants into your skin, which support your own natural defenses to prevent damage from long term sun exposure.
Astaxanthin from krill oil also has protective effects on skin and enhances the ability to tan.
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