
Showing posts from August, 2019

FOOT BATH.... it is or it is not a good idea?

Homeopathic Family Practice  welcomes a new addition to its services! Cellular Cleansing Ionic Detox Footbath What is a Cellular Cleansing Ionic Detox Footbath? It is a warm water soak for your feet with a low electrical charge that generates negative oxygen ions which are absorbed by your body, neutralizing the positive ions, also known as free radicals. The cells are stimulated and energized by the charged ions, releasing cellular waste and strengthening the cells so the body begins to function at its normal energy levels. It eliminates toxins that are stored in fat, kidneys, liver, bowels and skin and also activates the body’s lymphatic system which helps continue the detoxification for up to 24-48 hours after a session. Who can benefit from ionic detox foobaths? This is a safe treatment for anyone over the age of 4 years. We are constantly exposed to chemical and heavy metal residues, tissue acid wastes and stress .  This treatment is suggested for peop...

Sunbathing during pregnancy

SUNBATHING DURING  PREGNANCY   Can I Sunbathe While Pregnant? During pregnancy, your skin is often more sensitive and more likely to burn, so take extra care when preparing for a day outdoors. Generally it is best to  avoid sunbathing from 10am until 4pm . Skin sensitivity may cause hives, heat rash or worsened chloasma which is a discolouration of pigment especially on the facial area. Chloasma or melasma is sometimes referred to as the mask of pregnancy because the splotches of darker skin typically show up around the upper lip, nose, cheekbones and forehead in the shape of a mask. Are There Any Risks to Sunbathing When You Are Pregnant? Exposure to the sun can increase the core temperature of a pregnant woman. You could more easily become dehydrated which would lead to symptoms of preterm labor. This, in turn, can elevate the temperature of the fetus, which can cause brain damage if raised high enough or long enough.  Overheat...


IS IT WRONG TO SPEND TIME IN THE SUN? The sunshine is irresistible! We love its warmth and healing impact on our bodies and we love that perfect sunny glow on our skin.  It seems that no matter what size or shape we are or what colour and type of skin we have, we want more and more of the sun’s light. It can turn a dull, depressing day into a vibrant, happy day!  BUT… we can also get too much of a good thing and suffer anywhere from mild to severe consequences such as mild or severe sunburn, sun allergy, or even sunstroke! WHAT IS A SUNBURN? Sunburn is a reddening, inflammation, and, in severe cases, blistering and peeling of the skin caused by overexposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun or of a tanning bed. Mild  sunburn may include redness of skin, pain, skin peeling and itchiness or rash.  Severe sunburn or sun poisoning may include burning hot skin and blistering, swelling, loss of fluid (dehydration), electrolyte imbalance, infection, g...