FOOT BATH.... it is or it is not a good idea?
Homeopathic Family Practice welcomes a new addition to its services! Cellular Cleansing Ionic Detox Footbath What is a Cellular Cleansing Ionic Detox Footbath? It is a warm water soak for your feet with a low electrical charge that generates negative oxygen ions which are absorbed by your body, neutralizing the positive ions, also known as free radicals. The cells are stimulated and energized by the charged ions, releasing cellular waste and strengthening the cells so the body begins to function at its normal energy levels. It eliminates toxins that are stored in fat, kidneys, liver, bowels and skin and also activates the body’s lymphatic system which helps continue the detoxification for up to 24-48 hours after a session. Who can benefit from ionic detox foobaths? This is a safe treatment for anyone over the age of 4 years. We are constantly exposed to chemical and heavy metal residues, tissue acid wastes and stress . This treatment is suggested for peop...