Sunbathing during pregnancy



Can I Sunbathe While Pregnant?
During pregnancy, your skin is often more sensitive and more likely to burn, so take extra care when preparing for a day outdoors. Generally it is best to avoid sunbathing from 10am until 4pm. Skin sensitivity may cause hives, heat rash or worsened chloasma which is a discolouration of pigment especially on the facial area. Chloasma or melasma is sometimes referred to as the mask of pregnancy because the splotches of darker skin typically show up around the upper lip, nose, cheekbones and forehead in the shape of a mask.
Are There Any Risks to Sunbathing When You Are Pregnant?
Exposure to the sun can increase the core temperature of a pregnant woman. You could more easily become dehydrated which would lead to symptoms of preterm labor. This, in turn, can elevate the temperature of the fetus, which can cause brain damage if raised high enough or long enough. Overheating is associated with spinal malformations in the baby.

  • While pregnant, the hormones, mainly estrogen, in your body actually can increase the risk of chloasma when exposed to the sun’s UV rays. Skin will be more likely to darken and discolour due to a hormone called melanocyte-stimulating hormone that your body produces more of when you’re pregnant. You may notice dark patches forming on your face, or even a dark line developing along the middle of your belly, called the linea nigra. 

·       Prolonged time spent in the sun can lead to dehydration, which is very dangerous for expecting women. Because water is how important nutrients and vitamin get transported the fetus, it is critical to make sure your body is getting enough water. Monitor the color of your urine. It should be the color of a very light lemonade. If it is any darker, you are already at risk of dehydration and should drink water immediately. If you feel dizzy or nauseated, go to an air conditioned area.

·       Dehydration also restricts blood flow to the uterus which can pose a risk to your baby’s development and even cause premature contractions. Make sure you drink a tall glass of water before going out in the sun, and if you plan on being outside for a long time, pack a big water bottle in your bag. Drink it throughout the day to stay hydrated.

·       The sun dries your skin out, which can leave you feeling uncomfortable. Dry skin also increases your chance for stretch marks! If you are spending a lot of time in the sun, moisturize. Apply a rich lotion before and after sun exposure to combat the damaging and drying effects of the sun. 
How Can I Protect Myself from Overheating in the Sun?
1.   Drink plenty of water.
2.   Wear loose, light clothing.
3.   Wear a large floppy hat and sunglasses.
4.   Stay in the shade.


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