Is my body a problem

Have you ever thought of your body as a Universe unto itself? Your body can be one balanced and whole system when it is healthy and everything is running according to its own pattern and function. We can get in our own way beginning in our Mother’s womb! We are formed from a DNA string and chromosomes which could be imperfect and then we are fed through a tube, so depending on our Mother’s food, medication and liquid intake, we are affected. Even though we are in a protective womb, we feel vibrations, both positive and negative; we hear voices, both loving and angry and we feel excitement, anger and love. Even the thought-energy of our Mother can affect us. We are an energy being who is growing a body so we are tuned into all the energy around us even though we are hidden from view. Is my body a problem? Our bodies are phenomenal! They are perfectly designed and pretty much take care of themselves when we provide them with what they need. What ...