COVID - 19 .... the Corona virus

To our patients and clients: As it was officially announced, COVID 19 has become a global pandemic and the spread of the virus exponentially becomes unpredictable. Hannah is currently in self-isolation due to recent return from the USA. Naomi will be in isolation as of Sunday due to out-of-province travel in an area of high infection spread. If you have travelled outside of Canada or anywhere that can or may have a higher risk of contamination, please restrain to self-isolation for 14 days. All appointments with Hannah for the next 14 days can happen on Skype or ZOOM from Hannah’s location. Joanna and Rose will be scheduling these appointments as soon as today or tomorrow. We now have a series of remedies for COVID 19 available at the clinic. These remedies stimulate your immune system to help it fight the virus but do not prevent you from getting it. We are also offering a series of supplements, bundled for you to support and stimulate your immune system. If nee...