PEMF Therapy - iMRS1000

Has Star Trek healing come to pass?

What elements do we need to sustain our lives on this earth?

Everyone knows that we need certain elements to survive: food, water, air and sunlight. We can live about 8 weeks without food; about 5 days without water; about 3 minutes without air; and if you’re deprived of sunlight, it can lead to Vitamin D deficiency which results in some serious health issues. However, there is one more thing that was known in ancient civilizations but has been overlooked in our times and without it physical and mental health can quickly collapse.

What is this mysterious element that we have forgotten or ignored?

The Earth projects a natural Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) that stimulates cell repair and overall health in all lifeforms. Studies have shown that the PEMF given off by the Earth is equally as important to human health as food, water, sleep, and sunlight. 

In 1963, a German scientist conducted an experiment in which he sent young, healthy college students into an underground bunker to live. These bunkers were designed to block the natural resonances of the earth because he wanted to study circadian rhythms. Within a short time, students fell sick, had emotional disturbances, suffered stress and some went into depression. When Dr. Wever turned on a magnetic pulse generator that emitted a frequency that mirrors the earth’s frequency, all the students recovered. This experiment was done many times  over 30 years and the results were always the same-when deprived of the connection to the earth’s electromagnetic field, which is 7.83 Hz, health rapidly deteriorates.

Without an electromagnetic exchange between cells, nothing happens in the body. Human chemistry is controlled by natural electromagnetic energy. The cells are impaired when this electromagnetic energy is disrupted (for instance, from a bad diet, a small bruise to an injury, or merely from getting older). The body is not healthy if the cells are not healthy.

How was this discovered?

Magnets were used by ancient physicians over 2000 years ago to heal anything from joint pain to digestive issues. We can thank Tesla for finding out that electrical energy can pass through the body without causing any harm and Einstein for his proposal that electricity and magnetism aren’t entirely separate but instead are two sides of the same coin. However, it wasn’t until after WW II that countries turned research and development toward this area. 

In the 1970’s PEMF was used by veterinarians to heal leg fractures in racehorses successfully. It was discovered soon after that PEMF could heal a non-union bone fracture in humans and the FDA approved its use in the USA in 1979.

Research conducted by American and Russian space programs as well as 10,000 scientific papers and 2,000 double blind studies all point to this same conclusion. PEMF has been used by NASA to maintain the health of astronauts in orbit. 

What is PEMF?

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy and is also known as low field magnetic stimulation. It is a drug-free, non-invasive, pain-relief alternative treatment, which also promotes accelerated healing for ailments and injuries. In addition, PEMF therapy improves sleep, mental focus, and the body’s overall performance by helping the energy output and regeneration of the body’s cells.

It pulses that 7.83 Hz frequency into cells, helping to bring the body back into homeostasis. Pulsating Magnetic Fields stimulate the mitochondria and increase the cells' oxygen-carrying capacity. This results in natural detoxification and is a significant advantage of using PEMF therapy on a regular basis. PEMF helps the cells in the body to regenerate and detox themselves more efficiently.

Does our body have only one frequency?

PEMF uses a range of low frequencies between 0-50 Hz, to mimic solar frequencies, geomagnetic frequencies and the Earth’s frequency, in order to replicate what humans and animals experience in their natural environment. The body, mind and heart have their own frequencies which can be measured. The idea is to help the body get its energy frequency levels back to balance so all parts can function optimally. Low frequencies revive the body’s natural healing mechanism and promote cellular health. We are bombarded daily with high frequencies such as mobile phones at 450-2700 MHz which stress, overburden and heat up or inflame cells.

Each cell in the body is actually a capacitor, or battery, which holds a charge. Your entire body is electrical and cells each need a measurable electrical charge to function optimally. We can think of PEMF as a battery charger for our cells. The voltage of a healthy cell is about -20 to -25 millivolts. We start to get sick when that voltage drops below -15 millivolts or less. Once our cells’ voltage drops below that level, they are unable to heal and become dysfunctional. By inducing a mild electrical magnetic current into damaged cells, PEMF therapy slows or stops the release of pain and inflammatory mediators, increases blood flow of the cells, and re-establishes normal cell interaction. With reduced inflammation, pain decreases, energy increases, and faster tissue healing occurs.

Is PEMF the same as using magnets to treat health issues?

Magnets deliver a static flow but the body actually needs the same dynamic, pulsating flow that the Earth delivers to repair, rejuvenate and power all 100 trillion cells. Recently the Dr. Oz show featured PEMF and claimed this as one of the biggest breakthroughs of all time in modern medicine. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) are a noninvasive, safe and effective physical therapy, with no significant side effects. PEMFs provide a new alternative for the treatment of various musculoskeletal disorders.

How is the TENS treatment different from PEMF?

TENS or Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, delivers small electrical impulses through electrodes that have adhesive pads to attach to a person’s skin. These impulses flood the nervous system, reducing its ability to transmit pain signals to the spinal cord and brain. TENS uses high frequency electrical current so it does not provide that connection to the Earth’s electromagnetic field. A 2019, a 12 week clinical trial was conducted on whether PEMF can effectively treat anxiety, depression, pain, and quality of life with a significant improvement compared to a hot pack and TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation). (STUDY)

What are some of the benefits of PEMF treatment?

Since the cellular reaction takes place in everybody, magnetic fields are not condition specific. As a result, PEMF therapy can be used to assist with the majority of conditions. It is very safe and effective in improving your overall quality of life for a prolonged duration without any adverse complications. Clinical studies have demonstrated that PEMF:

  • Improves cellular health, communication, and function
  • Promotes quick recovery
  • Reduces pain, inflammation, and swelling
  • Increases body alkalinity
  • Boosts immunity
  • Increases circulation
  • Improves blood oxygenation
  • Fixes hormonal imbalances
  • Promotes quicker healing and recovery
  • Enhances muscle function
  • Increases metabolism and oxygenation
  • Removes cellular wastes effectively
  • Restores damaged tissues
  • Increases nutritional absorption
  • Improves bone structure, density, and functions
  • Heals wounds and fractures
  • Maintains a proper balance between antioxidants and free radicals
  • Regenerates brain function
  • Enables one to better manage stress, mood fluctuations and sleep disorders (ARTICLE)

How does PEMF lessen anxiety and depression?

People with anxiety and depression can become exhausted or sad, experience irregular sleep patterns, and feel hopeless and empty. As well as that, they can undergo physical symptoms such as headaches, chronic pain, and digestive issues. Electromagnetic charge deficiency, low cellular voltage in the brain, and a lack of adequate sleep can cause various mental issues such as anxiety and depression.

“Better sleep means better health.” Addressing sleep issues has a huge impact on anxiety and depression. PEMF therapy can imitate the brain’s natural rhythm at rest and train the brain to follow that rhythm, promoting deep sleep. 

It can address the hormonal and chemical imbalances associated with anxiety and depression issues by penetrating deeply and directly into the brain.

PEMF affects the glucose metabolism of brain regions linked to anxiety and depression. Also, it can change the neuron networks and their electrical activities, altering the part of the brain that controls mood.

If you experience chronic pain as well, the electromagnetic field generated by the PEMF device promotes pain relief and the healthy functioning of cells.

Here are some studies proving the efficacy of PEMF on anxiety and depression:

A 2010 research study reported that transcranial PEMF treatment was superior to placebo treatment in patients with treatment-resistant depression.

Furthermore, a 2020 8-week study revealed that transcranial PEMF therapy can augment the antidepressant effects of ongoing pharmacotherapy.

A 2014 study performed at Harvard University showed that there was more than 10% significant improvement in patients with depression by undergoing PEMF therapy for 20 minutes.

In a 2013 clinical trial, applying PEMF therapy for 9 minutes generated changes in brain EEG. Hence it can decrease higher EEG frequencies observed in patients with anxiety.

Does PEMF heal underlying conditions?

PEMF will not cure an underlying condition. It is used in an energetic and fundamental sense to provide more energy to the body so that it can heal itself by achieving homeostasis. It is known to be effective in both humans and animals. When you have low voltage in your cells, diseases such as cancer can easily take hold.

Who should avoid PEMF treatment?

PEMF is not for you if you:

* Are pregnant

* Are actively bleeding, hemorrhaging or during heavy menstruation.

* Have electrical implants (such as a pacemaker, defibrillator, implanted cochlear hearing device or other implants that are battery operated or magnetically charged.) Other hearing aids should be removed for the treatment.

* Suffer from any heart condition

  • Suffer from epilepsy and/or seizures 
  • Have elevated blood alcohol or drug levels
  • Are an organ transplant patient (taking immune suppression medications)
  • Have been medically advised not to use PEMF therapy

What can you expect in a PEMF treatment?

All cells exposed to a pulsed magnetic field are being mildly stretched and relaxed (exercised). In the first 10 minutes of exposure, oxygen content in the cells increases which can further stimulate the exit of toxins. Due to this, your body’s response to the session may be the experience of mild side effects including but not limited to: nausea, lethargy, headaches, fatigue and muscle aches. For this reason, elderly, frail, acutely ill or sensitive individuals are advised to begin with an initial low strength session with a maximum duration of 15 to 30 minutes.

How do I prepare for a PEMF treatment?

Drink water before and after your PEMF session. Water is essential to transport toxins for elimination.

Remove all metal jewelry, cell phones, electronics, key fobs, credit cards, anything with a magnetic strip or battery.

Keep cassette tapes and other electronic devices 3 feet or more away from the cables.

Cell phones should be placed greater than 3 feet away from PEMF machine in current use.

Lay on the treatment table fully clothed. PEMFs are non-invasive and they work through your clothing.



Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy looks and sounds a lot like the futuristic healing “scanner” used by Star Trek doctors to regenerate wounded or diseased bodies. After many experiments, studies and reports about the effectiveness of PEMF treatment on so many conditions, it appears that PEMF is a safe, effective non-invasive therapy to explore for almost anything. 

Give it a try! Go to our website, check us out and book a session.


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