Homeopathy and Mental Wellness
What is “Wellness”
Wellness is a product of all body and mind systems. It is a state of balance or homeostasis. Whenever one area is out of balance for any reason, it affects the balance of the totality. Usually other systems rally to the rescue in whatever way they can, in order to offset serious consequences. If we think of ourselves as one unified whole comprised of biomes such as brain, gut and lung and a multiplex of systems such as circulatory, respiratory, immune, digestive, excretory, reproductive, musculoskeletal, socio-emotional, we can see that we are a complex set of variables which need constant attention in order to stay balanced enough for us to function in life.
What is “Illness”
What is illness? It is dis-ease… a state wherein our “unified whole” becomes fragmented and sends us messages telling us to notice and rectify the situation. If we will, all will be balanced again. If we don’t, the illness can spread to other areas as well, again sending messages for us to change something to address and fix the problems. It is reasonable to believe that we can fix things before they get out of hand. But, what if they get out of hand quickly and we don’t know what to do about it?
How do we address symptoms of dis-ease?
Natural before chemical before surgical is the sensible order of action. All are needed; it’s a matter of which is the best option to choose for the healthiest outcome in a given situation. Since we are considering wellness, we want to make sure that we are not faking wellness by covering up or hiding symptoms that are giving us clues about how to help ourselves. Most people want to take a chemical/pill to get rid of the the body’s warning signs aka “symptoms” because they may be inconvenient. Bodies are smart, though, and they will keep giving you clues to help yourself and the clues may become stronger and stronger because you are not listening. Suppression of symptoms seems good in the short run but they keep re-surfacing in the long run, often looking different until we finally take care of the source or until our systems fail us and we die.
What can put our body out of balance?
Sometimes certain areas function poorly due to factors such as genetic predisposition, food, personal hygiene, pollution, water, chemicals, emotions, electrical and magnetic forces and toxic experiences.
If we educate ourselves to become aware of the factors affecting our mental/emotional/physical state, then we are better able to create positive outcomes for ourselves.
Let’s look at the above factors more closely…
Genetic predisposition: This refers to tendencies you may have inherited from your parents; you may not manifest those tendencies, but it important to consider them in your total health picture.
Food: This refers to both solid and liquid food intake and the nutrient quality of the food, its origin, how it is prepared, how your body is able to digest and extract nutrients and how your body gets rid of toxic waste.
Personal Hygiene: This refers to how you care for your body-cleanliness, tidiness, using healthy products on your body, consistent oral/dental care.
Pollution: This refers to the quality of air and water you have available. Air inside houses that are not frequently aired out with fresh outside air or filtered with a HEPA or MERV filter can become stagnant and unhealthy. Outdoor air that is dirty from car exhaust, chemicals, refining or industrial waste is unhealthy. Without clean air, your brain and your mood are greatly affected and can cause headaches, shortness of breath and feelings of general malaise and unhappiness. Hoarding is pollution of your space and has a detrimental effect on your state of mind and feeling.
Water: Clean water is not readily available unless you have a good filter for your tap water. This is because tap water contains runoff from industry, medicines, viruses, chemicals that are not completely filtered out. You can ask for your city or town’s water statistics to check for yourself.
Chemicals: Chemicals are everywhere! Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides are used in all farms except organic farms. Grains are double-treated in order to speed up the drying process so the farmer can get 2 separate crop yields before the end of the season. Antibiotics and hormones are given to cows and poultry, which means that we will ingest some of them in meat and dairy products. Chemicals are in medicines we take and in products we put on our skin and hair; they are in the processed foods we eat every day.
Emotions: Our own emotions can turn our state of mind upside-down. It is very difficult to quieten your mind when your feelings are strong and dragging you down to a lower vibrational frequency. We often program our brain with reactive responses so that we feel hurt or disrespected or unloved when certain situations arise. Unless we are very aware of our thoughts so that we can control them in any negative situation, we can easily find ourselves anxious, depressed, mentally and physically exhausted, believing that there is no way out. This, of course, is not true. There is always a way out and your attitude and thoughts are major keys to finding solutions to any life challenge.
Electrical and Magnetic Forces: Around us at all times are both electrical and magnetic fields. That is the normal state of a human body. When you add in 5G cellphone towers, electric transmission towers, cellphones, computers, televisions, Smart Home technologies in close proximity, you will find more headaches, general malaise, depressed feelings and more if you happen to be sensitive.
Toxic Experiences: By this we mean experiences you may have with toxic people, violent people, mind control and manipulation against your best interests. These things can cause people to lose track of who they are, what is real and how they can get help to get out of their situation.
Who is our personal health consultant?
We are responsible for our own health and wellness. Would you say we are doing a good job of finding ways to heal ourselves? Overall, not so much. Instead we rely on sources of information which often cannot be trusted to tell the truth without an agenda of personal or corporate gain behind it. The term, “scientifically proven”, has lost its validity over the years because it is easier for us to accept what may seem reasonable than to spend a lot of time reading and comparing actual studies and checking whether subjects, materials and/or data have been manipulated, omitted or falsified to meet the outcomes of whoever paid for the studies. Perceptive questioning and deep digging to get answers that are true and dependable can lead you to what is best for you. Look for an unprejudiced database of studies which records all types of studies; unlock the research, side effects and flow of money behind products that you are using on and in yourself. Be your own health consultant.
What parts of our body influence our brain?
The brain, gut and lungs are all critical for the optimal functioning of the brain, emotions and feelings.
Believe it or not, current research is showing that the number of different strains of bacteria in the gut affect your brain and actually send signals to the brain to perform certain actions to the rest of the body. The gut is often referred to as the second brain. If your mind is off, it is a direct link to your gut and the food and drink you are consuming or not consuming in order to get all the nutrients your body requires for correct functioning.
If you eat food that is filling but has almost no nutritive value, your body will tell you it is still hungry. If, on the other hand you eat food that is densely packed with nutrition, your body will tell you that it is full after a much smaller portion. Our bodies are very smart and know what they need. We can fool them with empty food or synthetic versions of the real thing but the body knows it didn’t get what it was looking for and still has to deal with what you gave it by storing it as fat, neutralizing it by calcifying it or excreting it, which can sometimes lead to undesirable outcomes/consequences such as weight gain, increased blood sugar or worse.
How does Self Talk affect our mental state?
Our thoughts are packets of energy that affect everything. They affect how we are feeling. They affect our body’s state of health. They affect our relationships and they affect our environment. Wow! That is a perspective you may never have considered. Your thoughts affect you first. Consequently, you are the Creator of your thoughts and self talk which directly affect your feelings and your health.
What can you do about that? You can make sure to be aware of your thoughts and throw out those which are of a lower vibration, that is, negative thoughts (such as jealousy, criticism, judgment). Replace negative thoughts and speech with ones that are positive in nature; pause and reformulate what you want to think and say in a positive way. Positive thoughts and speech radiate a higher frequency of energy and attract that same energy towards you. Higher frequency energy balances and heals.
Why aren’t we teaching critical thinking about our health?
If this is so important, why are we not teaching it in great detail in elementary schools which is where a vast majority of life’s habits are formed? It is easy to form a bad habit. You can do that in no time at all. But to break a bad habit, it takes 2-3 months, every day resisting that habit! And still, you could fall back on it later…
Before we put anything in or on our bodies, we need to know if it has side effects and what they are; ingredients that will cause imbalance in our systems; and whether it will lead to our overall good health. Our bodies are very adaptive but that doesn’t mean we should always test them to their limits because our body may be able to process it.
Given the facts about foods, beverages, snacks, oils, etc., even children can tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods and products and can make good decisions for their health and for the prevention of dis-ease. This doesn’t mean you never eat or use unhealthy products; your body is able to cope with and process unhealthy things as long as you don’t overdo it and make unhealthy your everyday choice. Balance is the goal.
How can Homeopathy help?
Homeopathy is designed to respond to those messages your body has been giving you and catalyze the changes necessary to bring things back to balance. Homeopathy does look at the totality of symptoms in order to plot a course of action that will lead to success. The earlier you start on it, the sooner you will be able to see results. Just like an onion has many layers which you must peel to get to the juicy edible part, so we, too, have layers of actions, symptoms, signs that we have suffered and ignored which we have to break through in order to treat the source.
It is never too late to start doing a better job of taking care of ourselves.
This information is really valuable for me as I was looking for best cosmetic treatment surgery center treatments such as manual lymph drainage, lymphatic massage, exercise, diet management etc. Keep sharing such information.
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