Hidden beauty?

Who is not interested in beauty?

We are so fortunate that our planet Earth is full of beauty, both outwardly and inwardly. Most of us are looking at the outward beauty seen in landscapes full of myriad shapes, breathtaking colours, stark contrasts and a plethora of smells and textures. Even the Earth’s atmosphere, the sky, is a work of art in the light of day as well as during the evening and night. Trillions of creatures found upon Earth are perfectly designed for their unique individual function exhibiting their own elegance, grace, symmetry and style. So, we too, reflect the same within our being, like a microcosm of the Earth. 


Is our beauty only skin deep?

Is that even a  valid question? For some people, outer or physical appearance means everything to them-their value, their opportunities, their confidence, their purpose, their personality, their influence, their productivity and their level of comfort with themselves and with others. Even research shows that when you appear attractively dressed and groomed, you are presumed by others to have a variety of positive personality traits, such as altruism, stability and intelligence. In his book, “Beauty Pays”, David Hammermesh reveals that attractive people are more likely to be employed, are paid higher wages, are more likely to be approved for a loan, negotiate loans with better terms, and have better looking and higher-status spouses. Attractive criminals even receive lighter sentences for their crimes. Is this a reason to question and criticize your own worth by your outward appearance?


Beauty is totally subjective… 

Because ‘beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’, it makes sense to begin with yourself. Do you find yourself beautiful in any way? How would you define a beautiful person? Do you decide what is beautiful based on photoshopped versions of models and celebrities? Are you impressed by a celebrity’s ‘advertised’ charity work? (Did you know that many registered charities allow 95% of money collected to be used by themselves and only 5% goes to the charity)? Do you listen to bullies who want to steal your consciousness by telling you that you are not good enough? Let’s get real…


Do you value yourself?

It is important to value yourself by expressing your best self in every way. Self-care, creative self-expression and the pleasure you take in caring for and about yourself, matters to your overall health. Look at yourself in a loving way; embrace who you are right now and work from there if you want to make any changes. Outward appearance can be altered by clothing, cosmetics, and other short-term investments; clothes that are clean, tidy and appropriate for your body type and your audience, whether professional dress or casual attire, not only impact others; they impact how you feel as well. If you are unsure about clothing choices that bring out your best self, ask someone you admire for feedback and suggestions.


What elements can you consider to improve your appearance, overall well-being and health?  

Our physical body is what we see and feel first every day, so we want it to be pleasing to ourselves. Look at your lifestyle and your food choices. Are they leading you towards or away from health? Without health, quality of life will deteriorate over time and that will show on your face and on your general health and demeanor. Your body is precious and intelligent; it will compensate for poor choices for as long as it can, but eventually, it will no longer be able to cover up. That is when premature aging and dis-ease can creep in from seemingly nowhere.


Lifestyle can be relatively balanced by getting sufficient sleep and moderate exercise; by managing day to day challenges through effective problem-solving; and by giving yourself time to relax and be with yourself in a quiet way. Alternatively, the way you live your life can be  overstimulating, overly stressful, energy depleting and an emotional roller coaster, so that you always feel exhausted.Somewhere in-between is achievable as long as you plan for it.


Organic food without additives, pesticides and antibiotics gives your body both the energy imprint and information it needs to perform its functions well. Your body knows when a food has synthetic nutrients (fake info); it cannot use those, so it stores or excretes them and asks you to eat more, hoping for “real” food. 


Pure filtered water or structured hexagonal water makes the body happy because it has the healing energy information which the body needs to regenerate itself. We are two-thirds water, so our water intake quality and quantity affects everything on the inside and outside of our body.


Have we forgotten anything?

After taking care of our lifestyle, food and water, we can consider our energy levels. You may be surprised that our bodies have been designed to heal themselves. Because of what we regularly do and have done to our bodies, though, they often require a jumpstart to get back into their correct pattern. How can we do that? One major process jumps out: detoxification. Can we effectively remove toxin buildup?


Why detox?

In order to deal with invasions or challenges to our body’s balance, our bodies will “put things out of sight” when they are unable to process them through normal excretory channels. Consequently, we have stored toxic “treasures” in our fat and blockages in our lymph ducts and energy fields that we don’t even know about because our body is still covering up for us. This all affects how we feel and how our skin looks as well as our overall look of vitality, which, of course, is part of our outward ‘beauty’-that glow that we so admire in youth.


What do we mean by detoxification?

Detoxification is simply the removal of toxins from your cells. Most people think of doing a liquid cleanse or fast to detoxify, but that is more of a surface attempt to heal a deeper issue. A health practitioner can help you to get rid of heavy metals through appropriate diet and supplements that will bind to the metals and allow them to be excreted. Ionic detox footbath literally pulls toxins out through your feet while you relax and watch it happen, so that is one good option to begin your detox protocol. But what about your own built-in detoxifier-your lymphatic  system?


What is my lymphatic system?

Your lymphatic system is part of your immune system. It keeps body fluid levels in balance and defends the body against infections. Lymphatic vessels, tissues, organs, and glands work together to drain a watery fluid called lymph from throughout the body. Water, proteins, and other substances are always leaking out of tiny blood capillaries into the body tissues around them. If the lymphatic system didn't drain it, this extra fluid would build up in the tissues and make them swell. Lymph nodes are small clumps of tissue along the network of lymph vessels that clean lymph as it moves through them. They filter out viruses, bacteria, and fungi that can cause illnesses.


Is your lymphatic system working optimally?

Is your lymph fluid moving right along or sludging along or altogether blocked up? Proper Lymph flow is critical to your built-in immune system; it has to keep moving to do its job. Manual lymphatic massage is a gentle but S-L-O-W process. Bio-electric lymph drainage (BELD) gets things moving quickly and you can feel and see the difference from the first treatment. Yes, it takes more than one treatment to reverse years of compromised sludge; you have spent years slowing it down, so it will take some time, depending on your body’s condition. BELD is a full body treatment which impacts your lymph system and your organs. Your skin is your largest organ and it responds well to BELD. You can get that “glow” back when your lymph is filtered properly and moving smoothly. 


Is there anything else?

Electronic pollution-EMF (electromagnetic fields), caused by wifi, cell phones, computers and such devices, interrupts cellular communication, which can compromise cells, tissues and organs, leading to unhealthy symptoms. Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) Therapy provides balancing frequencies which promote healthy intercellular communication, circulation oxygenation, alkalization and ATP production (a source of energy for use and storage at the cellular level), all of which reduce inflammation and regenerate cells.     


In summary

Beauty happens when we are healthy and balanced in our body, mind and spirit. So… it is time to focus on our inner and outer health in effective ways. Detox is a very important factor in your health and BELD treatment is an excellent place to start your journey toward inner and outer beauty.Love yourself and take action! Care for your body and bring forward your “hidden” beauty. 


Give us a call to schedule an appointment (416-924-8887) or book yourself online at www.homeopathicfamilypractice.com


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